
Dienstag, 25. Januar 2011

Meeting a witness of the events

A great thing about the programme “Europeans for peace” is that we, the young, get to know a lot about historical events from people who have witnessed them. They tell us extremely interesting stories about what happened in the past.

We had such a meeting today with our PE teacher.

Mr. Tsvetan Tsvetkov was in the Bulgarian national volleyball team in the 1960s and 1970s and travelled many times not only in countries from the as called Eastern bloc, but also in countries on the other side of the Iron Curtain.

Today we heard his interesting stories – the stories of his journeys. Before going abroad, the sportsmen had a special meeting with members of the Committee for State Security, where they were prepared for their collision with the culture of the Western world. They also were warned that they might meet people hostile to them, who distrust everyone. That’s why the sportsmen were more than surprised when they found out that their hosts actually were nice and kind. The hosts, however, were baffled by the fact that Bulgarians could go abroad with no more than 10 dollars. Mr. Tsvetkov told us how he faced the Western culture. He also told us about its advantages, compared to the Bulgarian reality back then. He also told us how he bought currency illegally, in order to have more money for his stay in foreign countries.

He also told us about the members of the Committee for State Security, who accompanied every group of travellers and eavesdropped all their conversations, aiming to tell them to their bosses.

His story about the Moscow 1980 summer Olympics and its sports leaders was intriguing as well. One of the travellers expressed his negative opinion about the bad building quality of the Olympic stadium in Moscow and he was immediately sent back to Bulgaria.

Meeting Mr. Tsvetkov was amazing. He promised us one more meeting.

Tanja Dimitrova, 11b, Dobrich, Bulgaria

Freitag, 7. Januar 2011

Wir gratulieren! Velislava aus Bulgarien wurde für ihre Blogs über das Projekt "Vom Feind zum Helden" in Berlin ausgezeichnet

Die bulgarische Schülerin Velislava Ivanova, die ihr alle kennt, bekam eine grosse Auszeichnung in Berlin.

Sie wurde „Bloggerin des Jahres“ des Programms „EUROPEANS FOR PEACE“ der Stiftung „Erinnerung, Vearantwortung und Zukunft“. Dieses Programm fördert unsere Projekte.
Die Auszeichnung bekam Velislava für ihre Bloggs über unser Projekt vom letzten Jahr -"Vom Feind zum Helden"

Die internationale Jury wurde auf die wunderbaren Texte, Bilder und Filme von Velislava aufmerksam. Sie stellen die einzelnen Schritte unserer gemeinsamen Arbeit im letzten Jahr dar.

Vom 3. bis zum 7.Dezember wurde Velislava zusammen mit Lisa Schubert aus Dorf Mecklenburg u den Preisträgerveranstaltungen nach Berlin eingeladen. Dort präsentierten sie das Projekt und nahmen an Workshops teil. Bei der Festvaranstaltung erzählten sie, warum das Internet so wichtig für das Projekt war, wie Velislava zum Bloggen kam und was das spannendste Erlebnis war, das sie im Blog beschrieben hat.

Nach dem Festakt gab es eine Projektausstellung.
Interesse für die Arbeit von Velislava und für unser Projektthema zeigten viele Bürger und Vertreter verschiedener Organisationen.

Für ihre hervorragende Arbeit bakam Velislava 500 Euro. Damit bezahlt sie die Kursgebühren für ihre Teilnahme am Internationalen Sommerkurs für deutsche Sprache, Literatur und Landeskunde vom 08.08.-31.08.2011 an der Universität Freiburg.